196 research outputs found

    The case against the journal article: The age of publisher authority is going, going, gone — and we’ll be just fine.

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    Heidi Laine evaluates the often unsubstantiated claim that the journal article is central to the research communication process. Is a formal article really such a law of nature? She argues that the journal article (at least as we know it) will become a thing of the past. It will soon be replaced by article-style narrative reports, blogs, wikis, video and audio recordings, conference papers and presentations

    Afraid of Scooping : Case Study on Researcher Strategies against Fear of Scooping in the Context of Open Science

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    The risk of scooping is often used as a counter argument for open science, especially open data. In this case study I have examined openness strategies, practices and attitudes in two open collaboration research projects created by Finnish researchers, in order to understand what made them resistant to the fear of scooping. The radically open approach of the projects includes open by default funding proposals, co-authorship and community membership. Primary sources used are interviews of the projects’ founding members. The analysis indicates that openness requires trust in close peers, but not necessarily in research community or society at large. Based on the case study evidence, focusing on intrinsic goals, like new knowledge and bringing about ethical reform, instead of external goals such as publications, supports openness. Understanding fundaments of science, philosophy of science and research ethics, can also have a beneficial effect on willingness to share. Whether there are aspects in open sharing that makes it seem riskier from the point of view of certain demographical groups within research community, such as women, could be worth closer inspection.The risk of scooping is often used as a counter argument for open science, especially open data. In this case study I have examined openness strategies, practices and attitudes in two open collaboration research projects created by Finnish researchers, in order to understand what made them resistant to the fear of scooping. The radically open approach of the projects includes open by default funding proposals, co-authorship and community membership. Primary sources used are interviews of the projects’ founding members. The analysis indicates that openness requires trust in close peers, but not necessarily in research community or society at large. Based on the case study evidence, focusing on intrinsic goals, like new knowledge and bringing about ethical reform, instead of external goals such as publications, supports openness. Understanding fundaments of science, philosophy of science and research ethics, can also have a beneficial effect on willingness to share. Whether there are aspects in open sharing that makes it seem riskier from the point of view of certain demographical groups within research community, such as women, could be worth closer inspection.Peer reviewe

    Responsible Conduct of Research in the Changing Landscape of Science

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    Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is a concept that encompasses both good and bad behaviour in the scientific domain. RCR has been coined in numerous statements and guidelines. There are also a variety of national approaches to handling cases of alleged and confirmed research misconduct. Many of them rest on the principle of academic autonomy and are based on self-regulation. The landscape of scientific research is changing due to digitalization. Some even call it a paradigm shift. Concepts such as Science 2.0 and eScience refer to the new technical possibilities digitalization is providing for scientific research. Open Science is a movement inside the research community, that aims at making both the scientific process and scientific knowledge more transparent and accessible in the digital domain. I argue that the key documents defining RCR and it's breaches were created with the "Science 1.0" in mind: for a world where research is conducted using more or less local and institution specific infrastructures, that are usually closed for outsiders and where research processes are mostly kept private. Do the RCR guidelines need to be updated and if so, how, is one of the questions I aim at answering in my dissertation. I ask also what effect do the RCR guidelines and policies have? How have they come to being, whose voice speaks in them? How adaptable are they to changes in the scientific landscape? I approach these questions through a series of case studies: Forming and implementing RCR bottom-up: RCR in the context of open research collaboration, cases Polymath Project, NMR Lipids blog and SOMUS project Forming RCR top-down: the case of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and its RCR guideline Implementing RCR top-down: the case of the Finnish research community and its process for handling suspected research misconduct I am committed to the principles of Open Science and have adopted an open-by-default attitude towards the outputs of my research. Since a significant part of my data is non-anonymized interview data, being open requires sensitivity and thorough reflection concerning ethical issues. There is very little precedent in open qualitative non-anonymized human data, meaning that there are many issues to be tackled. For example according to the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsmans interpretation of the Finnish law, so called broad consent given by research subjects to use data related to them for unspecified further research, is not legally valid. This makes it currently impossible for me to archive and share my data in Finland. I am planning on challenging this interpretation which, if allowed to stand, will significantly hinder researchers of contemporary history from participating in the open data community and its discussions

    Liikeharjoitteita olkanivelrikon hoitoon : Liikeharjoitevideot olkanivelrikon kroonisen vaiheen itsehoidon tueksi

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    Erilaisia niveliin liittyviä ongelmia tavataan maailmassa nykyään paljon ja nivelrikko onkin maailman yleisin nivelsairaus. Noin kolmanneksella yli 60-vuotiaista esiintyy radiologisesti todettavaa olkanivelrikkoa. Nivelrikon tyypillisiä oireita ovat liikekipu, liikelaajuuksien pieneneminen sekä niveltä ympäröivien lihasten heikentyminen. Liikunnalla sekä liikeharjoittelun avulla voidaan lieventää nivelrikon oireita. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tuottaa tietoa olkapäänivelrikkoisen asiakkaan liikeharjoitteista olkapään toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseksi. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tarjota helposti ja turvallisesti arkeen sovellettava ja itsenäisesti toteutettava liikeharjoiteohjelma. Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä on tuottaa videoituja ohjeita olkapään nivelrikkoon sopivista olkapään liikeharjoitteista, jotka ovat helposti toteutettavia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Laurea Ammattikorkeakoulun ja Suomen Nivelyhdistys ry:n kanssa. Suomen Nivelyhdistys ry:n toiveena oli saada internet-sivuilleen videomuodossa oleva harjoitteluohjeistus olkanivelrikon itsehoidon tueksi. Tuotoksena opinnäytetyöstä valmistui 7 olkanivelrikkoisen itsehoitoon tarkoitettua liikeharjoitteluvideota. Videoiden suunnittelu sekä prosessin kulku on kuvailtu työssä. Videoiden arviointi toteutettiin keräämällä palautetta olkanivelrikkoisilta sekä moniammatilliselta terveysalan asiantuntijaryhmältä. Lisäksi pyydettiin palautetta opinnäytetyötä ohjaavilta opettajilta sekä Suomen Nivelyhdistys ry:n edustajilta. Palautteen anto tapahtui täysin sähköisesti. Palautteen perusteella arvioitiin, kuinka valmis tuotos vastaa hyvälle terveysaineistolle asetettuja laatukriteereitä. Saadun palautteen perusteella opinnäytetyöhön tehdyt videotuotokset olivat kohderyhmälle sopivia ja onnistuneita. Palautteet ja kehitysehdotukset huomioitiin lopullisissa versioissa.At present, globally there are many problems related to joints. Worldwide the most common joint disease is osteoarthritis. About one third of individuals over age of 60 have radiologically observed osteoarthritis of the shoulder. The typical symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain in motion, lack of motion and weakening in surrounding muscles. Physical exercise as well as mobility training can be used to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. The purpose of the thesis was to produce information about mobility training in the shoulder joint in order to maintain shoulder function. The aim was to provide an easy and safe mobility training program applied to everyday life, and independently carried out. The task of the thesis was to produce an easily accessible videotaped mobility training program for people suffering from shoulder osteoarthritis. This thesis was conducted in collaboration with Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Osteoarthritis Association of Finland. The wish of Osteoarthritis Association of Finland was to get the videotaped training program for motion in the shoulder joint on the website of the Osteoarthritis Association of Finland in order to support selfcare. The output of the thesis was seven different videos for training mobility in the shoulder joint to support selfcare. The design and the process of producing the videos are described in detail in the text. The evaluation of the videos was carried out by collecting feedback from the individuals suf-fering from osteoarthritis of the shoulder as well as from the multi-professional health care specialist group. In addition, the feedback was requested from thesis instructors and from the representatives of the Osteoarthritis Association of Finland. The feedback was given entirely electronically. Based on the feedback, it was estimated how well the output of the thesis corresponds to the quality criteria for good material for health. Further based on the feedback, the videos made for this thesis were successful and suitable for the target group. The feedback and suggestions were taken into account in the final versions of the videos

    Kansalaistiedettä kirjastossa

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    Esitys Kirjastoverkkopäivien rinnakkaissessiossa "Kansalaistiedettä kirjastossa", 25.10.2017